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. 2022 Mar 5;19(7):1758–1768. doi: 10.1111/iwj.13781


Crude and age‐standardised years of life lived with disability (YLD), years of life lost (YLL) and disability‐adjusted life‐years (DALY) for people (45 years and above) with diabetes‐related foot disease (DFD) in New South Wales (NSW) in 2011

Crude rate Age‐standardised rate Crude rate Age‐standardised rate Crude rate Age‐standardised rate
Diabetic foot ulcer, infection and gangrene
Male 7.7 5.5 95.7 64.1 103.4 69.6
Female 4.3 3.4 27.6 28.8 31.8 32.2
Person 5.8 4.4 58.9 48.2 64.7 52.6
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Male 32.6 24.8 0.0 0.0 32.6 24.8
Female 18.6 15.6 0.0 0.0 18.6 15.6
Person 25.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 20.0
Diabetes‐related lower limb amputation
Male 17.5 18.8 435.9 382.6 453.4 401.4
Female 4.5 3.7 37.8 29.9 42.3 33.6
Person 10.4 7.9 220.7 192.2 231.1 200.1
All DFD and diabetes‐related lower limb amputation
Male 57.7 49.2 531.7 446.7 589.4 495.9
Female 27.4 22.7 65.4 58.7 92.8 81.4
Person 41.3 32.4 279.5 240.4 320.8 272.7