ApoE does not co-localize with vascular amyloid in rTg-D CAA type-2 rats. Brain sections from 12 M wild-type rats (A,B), 18 M rTg-D rats (C,D) and 12 M rTg-DI rats (E,F) were stained for fibrillar amyloid using thioflavin-S (green), immunolabeled with an antibody to apoE (red). Scale bars = 50 µm. ApoE exhibited little, if any, co-localization with larger vessel amyloid deposits in the cortex or thalamus of rTg-D CAA type 2 rats. In contrast, ApoE strongly co-localized with capillary amyloid deposits in the cortex and thalamus of rTg-DI CAA type-1 rats. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)