Table 1.
Theme (Description) | Sub-Theme (Description) | Representative image |
1.0. Risks and crisis Information (General public understanding of associated risks) |
1. Pandemic intelligence (Generic or basic-level statements or numbers about the virus/disease and informational resources. This could be before, during, or after the COVID-19 pandemic) |
1.2. Symptoms and transmission (Describing probable indications or how COVID-19 might be transmitted to humans) |
2.0. Self-efficacy & sense-making (Feedback processes to make sense of the situation and changes in behaviors to reduce the likelihood of harm) |
2.1. Personal preventive measures & mitigation (Measures or precautions that can be taken by an individual to protect herself/himself from infection, or mitigation of coronavirus-related issues (including mental and physical health & wellness)) |
2.2. Social/common responsibility & Empathy (Measures or precautions that can be taken by an individual/community to prevent the spread of COVID-19 or show affection to loved ones or the public) |
2.3. Inquisitive Messaging (Addressing public queries about issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic) |
3.0. Preparations & Uncertainty Reduction (Public preparation for the possibility of an adverse event) |
3.1. Clarification (Alerting/dispelling myths, fake news, or misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic) |
3.2. Events, campaigns & activities (Promoting an event/campaign/activity for awareness, relief, or treatment of the COVID-19) |
3.3. Contributions request (Seeking financial and voluntary contributions for tackling COVID-19) |
3.4. Showing Gratitude or Reassurance (Expression of thanks, approval, regards, reassurance, and paying tribute to the frontline workers (e.g., doctors, nurses, cleaners, volunteers, etc.) |
4.0. Advisories & Alerts (Specific advice or warning messages regarding COVID-19) |
4.1. Risk groups (People with pre-existing conditions or seniors who are at greater risk of contracting Coronavirus) |
4.2 General advisory and vigilance (Alerts, tips, or cautions to help public and entities responding to the pandemic in certain situations such as travel and workplace) |