Table 1.
Author, Year and Country | Study design | Objective | Sample | Results |
Balte et al., 2017 Germany26 |
Cohort | Assess the association between DDE exposure and lung function | 344 children | DDE vs FVC Estimate 0.006; SE 0.02; p = 0.71 DDE vs FEV1 Estimate 0.004 SE 0.02; p = 0.81 |
Benka-Coker et al., 2019 United States of America11 |
Cohort | Assess exposure to pesticides and asthma exacerbation using Leukotriene E4 in urine | 16 children (139 urine samples) | DAPs vs urinary LTE4 β: 4.1[0.6–7.6] pg/mg |
Benka-Coker et al., 2020 United States of America12 |
Cohort | Assess exposure to pesticides and asthma exacerbation using Leukotriene E4 in urine | 16 children (139 urine samples) | βEDE: 8.7 (2.8, 14.6); CI=95% βEDM: 1.1 (0.5, 1.7) βEDAP: 4.1 (0.7, 7.5) |
Bukalasa et al., 2018 Netherlands31 |
Cross-sectional | Assess exposure to pesticides and prevalence of asthma and related symptoms at 14 years old | 1470 adolescents | Distance from pesticide treated fields vs asthma (CI=95%) 100m OR = 0.31 (0.07, 1.32) 500m OR = 0.95 (0.57, 1.57) 1000m OR = 0.86 (0.52, 1.40) |
Duramad et al., 2006 United States of America13 |
Cohort | Assess the association between organophosphate exposure and Th1 and Th2 cells | 239 2-year-old children | Th2 level in children living with farmers 0.8% (0.7–0.9%) CI 95% Th2 level in children who do not live with farmers 0.6% (0.5–0.7%) CI 95% p 0.02 Th2 vs eczema CI 95% 0.7% (0.6–1.0%) Th2 vs asthma CI 95%; p < 0.05 1.0% (0.7–1.2%) |
Gascon et al., 2014 Spain28 |
Cohort | Assess prenatal effect of DDE, HCB, and PCB on the respiratory health of children from birth to 14 years old and assess the role of immune biomarkers | 405 (275 with blood samples at 4 years old) | DDE vs asthma CI 95% 10 years old RR=1.03 (0.71, 1.50) 14 years old RR=0.89 (0.61, 1.31) HCB vs asthma CI 95% 10 years old RR=1.21 (0.67, 2.18) 14 years old RR=1.08 (0.61, 1.90) ΣPCBs vs asthma CI 95% 10 years old RR=0.94 (0.82, 1.08) 14 years old RR=0.93 (0.82, 1.06) |
Gharibi et al., 2020a United States of America15 |
Cross-sectional | Assess the impact of exposure to MBr (methyl bromide) in emergency asthma care | 4262 emergency visits of children and adolescents between 2 and 18 years old | 2-5 years OR = 1.024 (0.997, 1.052), CI 95% 6-18 years OR = 1.071 (1.016, 1.125), CI 95% |
Gharibi et al., 2020b United States of America16 |
Cohort | Assess the association between 1,3-dichloropropene exposure and asthma emergency care in Southern California | 1331 2 to 18 years-old children and adolescents | Association between 1,3D and asthma emergency visits CI 95% 2-5 years OR = 1.065 (1.020, 1.113) 6-18 years OR = 1.142 (1.086, 1.196) |
Gunier et al., 2018 United States of America17 |
Cohort | Assess pre- and postnatal exposure to pesticides and lung function and respiratory symptoms in 7-year-old children | 294 children | Prenatal exposure vs respiratory symptoms at 7 years old CI 95% Methyl Bromide OR = 1.1 (0.8, 1.6); p = 0.55 Chloropicrin OR = 1.1 (0.8, 1.4); p = 0.66 Metam sodium OR = 1.0 (0.8, 1.3); p = 0.88 1,3-DCP OR = 1.1 (0.8, 1.4); p = 0.58 Postnatal exposure vs respiratory symptoms at 7 years old CI 95% Methyl bromide OR = 1.0 (0.6, 1.6); p = 0.93 Chloropicrin OR = 1.0 (0.6, 1.5); p = 0.87 Metam sodium OR = 0.9 (0.6, 1.4); p = 0.72 1,3-DCP OR = 1.2 (0.6, 2.4); p = 0.64 Prenatal exposure vs asthma medication at 7 years old CI 95% Methyl bromide OR = 1.0 (0.6, 1.8); p = 0.87 Chloropicrin OR = 1.0 (0.6, 1.5); p = 0.94 Metam sodium OR = 1.2 (0.8, 1.8); p = 0.35 1,3-DCP OR = 1.3 (0.9, 2.0); p = 0.17 Postnatal exposure vs asthma medication at 7 years old CI 95% Methyl bromide OR = 0.8 (0.4, 1.7); p = 0.63 Chloropicrin OR = 0.9 (0.5, 1.6); p = 0.61 Metam sodium OR = 1.3 (0.7, 2.7); p = 0.41 1,3-DCP OR = 1.3 (0.4, 3.6); p = 0.66 |
Hallit et al., 2017 Lebanon25 |
Case-control | Assess exposure to pesticides and respiratory symptoms (asthma) | 1503 children and adolescents | OR = 3.307 (1.848, 5.918), p < 0.001 (live in area treated with pesticides) OR = 0.5 (0.337, 0.744), p = 0.001 (live with someone who works with pesticides) |
Karmaus et al., 2001 Germany27 |
Cross-sectional | Assess the association between exposure to organochlorine pesticides and infections and allergic diseases | 343 children (340 IgE) | Asthma (CI 95%) DDE ≥ 0.3 pg/l vs. < 0.3 pg/l OR = 3.71 (1.10, 12.56) DDE < 0.3 p g / h HCB > 0.2 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.2 pg/l OR = 1.21 (0.11, 13.82) DDE ≥ 0.3 pg/k HCB > 0.2 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.2 pg/l OR = 0.53 (0.13, 2.1 6) DDE < 0.3 pg/l CPCB > 0.48 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.48 pg/1§ no valid estimation DDE ≥ 0.3 pg/k ZPCB > 0.48 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.48 pg/l§ OR = 0.56 (0.13, 2.52) IgE ≥ 200kU/l (CI=95%) DDE ≥ 0.3 pg/l vs. < 0.3 pg/l OR = 2.28 (1.20, 4.31) DDE < 0.3 p g / h HCB > 0.2 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.2 pg/l OR = 0.91 (0.30, 2.73) DDE ≥ 0.3 pg/k HCB > 0.2 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.2 pg/l OR = 0.49 (0.19, 1.23) DDE < 0.3 pg/l CPCB > 0.48 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.48 pg/1§ OR = 1.08 (0.35, 3.31) DDE ≥ 0.3 pg/k ZPCB > 0.48 pg/l vs. ≤ 0.48 pg/l§ OR = 0.82 (0.32, 2.08) |
Lu et al., 2018 Romania33 |
Cross-sectional | Assess domestic exposure to environmental pollutants and the impact on respiratory health of school-age children | 280 children | Proximity of pesticide sprayed crops vs asthma symptoms CI 95%, p < 0.05 Single-pollutant model OR = 1.11 (0.51, 2.29) Multi-pollutant model OR = 3.53 (1.27, 10.29) Multi-pollutant model controlled to CO2 OR = 4.17 (1.43, 13.26) |
Masley et al., 2000 Canada22 |
Cross-sectional | Describe the health and local conditions of a rural area in Canada | 393 children and adolescents | Asthma in children from non-agricultural families vs agricultural families OR = 2.2 (0.8, 5.7); p = 0.12; CI 95% Bronchitis in children from non-farm vs agricultural families OR = 2.8 (1.6, 4.8); p < 0.001; CI 95% |
Meng et al., 2016 China23 |
Case-control | Compare the serum concentration of certain pesticides in asthmatic and non-asthmatic children | Children 3-6 years 124 cases 109 controls |
Asthma CI 95% p,p'-DDE OR = 1.02 (1.01, 1.03); p = 0.0004 p,p'-DDD OR = 1.01 (0.99, 1.03); p = 0.62 o,p'-DDT OR = 0.99 (0.97, 1.01); p = 0.17 p,p'-DDT OR = 1.01 (0.99, 1.03); p = 0.23 HCB OR = 1.02 (1.01, 1.04); p = 0.01 α-HCH OR = 1.06 (1.02, 1.10); p = 0.001 β-HCH OR = 1.01 (1.00, 1.01); p = 0.02 γ-HCH OR = 1.02 (1.00, 1.05); p = 0.04 Heptachlor OR = 1.06 (1.02, 1.11); p = 0.003 Total OCPs OR = 1.00 (1.00, 1.00); p = 0.002 Severe asthma CI 95% HCB OR = 1.01 (0.99, 1.03); p = 0.06 α-HCH OR = 1.01 (0.99, 1.02); p = 0.23 β-HCH OR = 1.00 (0.99, 1.00); p = 0.34 γ-HCH OR = 1.01 (0.97, 1.04); p = 0.78 Heptachlor OR = 1.04(0.99, 1.09); p = 0.11 p,p'-DDE OR = 1.00 (1.00, 1.00); p = 0.25 p,p'-DDD OR = 0.97 (0.95, 0.99); p = 0.01 o,p'-DDT OR = 0.97 (0.96, 0.99); p = 0.01 p,p'-DDT OR = 0.98 (0.95, 1.02); p = 0.36 Total OCPs OR = 1.00 (0.99, 1.002); p = 0.89 |
Perla et al., 2015 United States of America14 |
Cohort | Association between urine pesticide biomarkers, blood DDE and asthma | 1484 children 6-11 years-old 1239 children 12-15 years-old |
DDE blood vs asthma (940 adolescents 12-15 years-old) CI 95% Ever Asthma <40th percentile RR=1.00 Referent 40th–80th percentile RR+0.63 (0.35, 1.14) >80th percentile RR=0.81 (0.33, 2.00) Current Asthma <40th percentile RR=1.00 Referent 40th–80th percentile RR=0.47 (0.21, 1.05) ** >80th percentile RR=0.78 (0.24, 2.55) **025 < p ≤ .10. Marginally statistically significant DAP urine vs asthma (1484 children 6 -11 years-old) CI 95% Ever Asthma <25th percentile RR=1.00 Referent 25th–50th percentile RR=1.19 (0.65, 2.18)) 50th–75th percentile RR=1.71 (0.97, 2.99) >75th percentile RR=1.16 (0.62, 2.17) Current Asthma <25th percentile RR=1.00 25th–50th percentile RR=1.49 (0.72, 3.06) 50th–75th percentile RR=1.89 (1.01, 3.53) >75th percentile RR=1.42 (0.64, 3.16) DAP urine vs asthma (1293 adolescents 12-13 years-old) CI 95% Ever Asthma <25th percentile 1.00 Referent 25th–50th percentile 1.14 (0.69, 1.90) 50th–75th percentile 1.44 (1.01, 2.06)** >75th percentile 1.20 (0.66, 2.20) **0.025 < p ≤ 0.10. Marginally statistically significant Current Asthma <25th percentile 1.00 Referent 25th–50th percentile 1.04 (0.54, 1.99) 50th–75th percentile 1.33 (0.74, 2.40) >75th percentile 1.12 (0.59, 2.12) |
Raanan et al., 2015 United States of America18 |
Cohort | Assess the association between early exposure to organophosphate pesticides and respiratory symptoms | Between 270 to 331 depending on the analysis | Total DAP pregnant urine vs symptoms at 5 or 7 years old OR = 1.28 (0.77, 2.13); CI 95%; p = 0.34 Total DAP in children vs symptoms at 5 and 7 years old OR = 2.53 (1.32, 4.86); CI 95%; p = 0.005 |
Raanan et al., 2017 United States of America19 |
Cohort | Association between sulfur exposure, respiratory symptoms and lung function in children living in an agricultural community | 237 7-year-old children | Sulfur exposure before 1 year vs respiratory symptoms at 7 years by different distances CI 95% 0.5Km OR = 1.71 (1.14, 2.57); p = 0.009 1Km OR = 2.09 (1.27, 3.46); p = 0.004 3Km OR = 0.96 (0.40, 2.26); p = 0.92 Sulfur exposure before 1 year vs use of asthma medication at 7 years by different distances CI 95% 0.5km OR = 2.23 (1.19, 4.21); p = 0.01 1Km OR = 3.51 (1.50, 8.23); p = 0.004 3Km OR = 2.10 (0.39, 11.30); p = 0.39 |
Raherison et al., 2019 France32 |
Cohort | Assess the association between exposure to airborne pesticides and asthma and rhinitis | 281 children (96 children with analyzed urine samples in both phases and complete questionnaire) | Exposure to pesticides in air vs symptom score CI 95% Asthma OR = 3.93 (0.40, 38.44); p = 0.2398 Rhinitis OR = 0.27 (0.03, 2.35); p = 0.2362 ETU urinary concentration vs symptoms score CI 95% Asthma OR = 2.01 (0.54, 7.52); p = 0.2936 Rhinitis OR = 2.83 (0.75, 10.75); p = 0.1262 |
Salam et al., 2004 United States of America20 |
Case-control | Assess risk factors for early life asthma | 338 cases 570 controls |
Pesticide vs asthma OR = 1.61 (0.93, 2.79); CI 95% Pesticide vs persistent asthma in the first year of life OR 3.58 (1.59–8.06); CI 95% Pesticide vs asthma in the first year of life OR = 2.39 (1.17, 4.89); CI 95% |
Salameh et al., 2003 Lebanon24 |
Cross-sectional | Assess the association between exposure to pesticides and chronic respiratory diseases in children and adolescents | 407 children with diagnosed chronic respiratory disease 2016 children without respiratory symptoms |
Asthma OR 1.73 (1.02, 2.97) CI 95%; p < 0.01 |
Smit et al., 201534 Greenland and Ukraine |
Cohort | Explore the association between prenatal exposure to environmental contaminants and asthma and eczema | Children 5-9 years old (1024 pairs mother-child, 492 from Ukraine and 532 from Greenland) | Prenatal exposure to organochlorines vs association between respiratory symptoms and eczema (CI 95%) Ever asthma OR = 0.96 (0.77, 1.20) Ever eczema OR = 0.89 (0.72, 1.10) Current eczema OR = 1.01 (0.80, 1.27) |
Sunyer et al., 2005 Spain29 |
Cohort | Assess the association between levels of DDE and other organochlorines in cord blood and atopy and asthma in early childhood | 468 children | Cord blood DDE vs wheezing at 4 years old CI 95% (DDE at each concentration fold) All RR=1.32 (1.13, 1.54) Non-atopic RR=1.30 (1.05, 1.62) DDE by quartiles All < 0.57 RR=1 0.57-1.03 RR=1.00 (0.41, 2.43) 1.03-1.90 RR=1.62 (0.70, 3.74) <1.90 RR=2.36 (1.19, 4.69) Non-atopic < 0.57 RR=1 0.57-1.03 RR=1.32 (0.37, 4.70) 1.03-1.90 RR=2.63 (0.96, 7.20) <1.90 RR=2.49 (1.00, 6.19) |
Sunyer et al., 2006 Spain30 |
Cohort | Assess the association between exposure to DDE and asthma at age 6 years | 462 children | DDE at birth vs asthma at 6 years OR = 1.18 (1.01, 1.39); CI 95% |
Weselak et al., 2007 Canada21 |
Cohort | To assess the association between parental exposure to pesticides during pregnancy and asthma, bronchitis, and allergic rhinitis in children | 3405 children | CI 95% Any pesticide vs asthma OR = 1.00 (0.71, 1.40) Fungicide x asthma OR = 1.25 (0.74, 2.12) Insecticide x asthma OR = 1.06 (0.73, 1.54) Herbicide x asthma OR = 0.84 (0.55, 1.30) Other pesticides vs asthma OR = 0.55 (0.23, 1.31) Any pesticide vs allergic rhinitis OR = 1.58 (1.19, 2.08) Fungicide vs allergic rhinitis OR = 1.69 (1.15, 2.47) Insecticide vs allergic rhinitis OR = 1.48 (1.07, 2.03) Herbicide vs allergic rhinitis OR = 1.56 (1.15, 2.11) Other pesticides vs allergic rhinitis OR = 1.25 (0.68, 2.31) |