DE does not alter the strength of corticothalamic feedback excitatory synaptic transmission from V1 L6 to TRN. A, Circuit diagram highlighting V1 input to TRN. B, Confocal image of a horizontal brain slice of an Ntsr1-Cre (L6-Cre) mouse injected with AAV-dflox-ChR2-EYFP (green) in V1 L6. The section is counterstained with DAPI (blue). Note ChR2-EYFP-expressing axons in TRN. Left, Lower magnification showing ChR2-EYFP-expressing axons in TRN. LGv, Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus; HC, hippocampus. Right, Higher magnification of TRN. Bright small puncta correspond to boutons. Cell bodies visibly lack EYFP signals. C, ChR2-evoked Sr2+-mEPSCs recorded from TRN neurons. Left, Example traces from NR and DE mice. A 5 ms LED pulse duration was used. Labels are the same as in Figure 1D. Middle, Comparison of the average amplitude of ChR2-evoked Sr2+-mEPSCs (NR: 25.0 ± 2.9 pA, 16 cells from 8 mice; DE: 25.5 ± 2.9 pA, 12 cells from 5 mice; t test: t(26) = 0.1039, p = 0.918). Note that spontaneous mEPSCs recorded from TRN neurons (16 NR cells) display fast kinetics (decay tau = 1.92 ± 0.31 ms, 10–90% rise time = 0.57 ± 0.08 ms) and high frequency (19.1 ± 0.3 Hz) typical of PV-positive inhibitory neurons. Bars, Mean ± SEM; gray circles, average value for each cell. Right, Average ChR2-evoked Sr2+-mEPSC traces from NR and DE.