ZF1 rather than ZF2 of POL2A is required for meiotic normal heterochromatin formation. (A) Illustration of synthetic constructs for whole-length POL2A and truncated POL2A without different ZFs. NT, N terminus; EXO, 3‘-5′ exonuclease; POL, 5‘-3′ polymerase; C, central; P, proliferating cell nuclear antigen interaction; aa, amino acid. (B) Chromosome phenotypes of WT, Act7::POL2AΔZF2/pol2a-1, Act7::POL2AΔZF1/pol2a-1, and Act7::POL2AΔZF1/Col-0 (DN-POL2AΔZF1) plants. Scale bars, 5 μm.