Baseline (treatment cessation) is indicated by time point 0 and represents the last recorded date of medication administration. The period after treatment cessation is stratified by patients who remained untreated or have started a new treatment (for each 1- or 2-month period). The on-treatment period is indicated by the gray shaded area. Point and whiskers show the relapse rates in each epoch. Number of patients: patients who contribute some time to each period. Annualized relapse rates were calculated as the total number of relapses divided by the number of patient-years in each time period. The pretreatment relapse rate and 95% CI is indicated by the open circle and line. The relapse rate was calculated using up to 1 year of untreated time immediately before treatment start (number of patients with data available as indicated). The dashed black line is a visual reference of the mean relapse rate during the second year before treatment cessation, with the shaded area indicating 95% CIs. Only treated time was included. Number of contributing patients: mitoxantrone 211, natalizumab 2,558, fingolimod 1,229, dimethyl fumarate 552, teriflunomide 388, interferon 9,931, and glatiramer acetate 2,999.