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. 2022 Jun 13;17(12):1753–1773. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2022.2079293

Table 3.

Results of AYATS Enrichment Analyses.a

Annotation cis trans
  Enriched Depleted Enriched Depleted
Chromatin Statesb TxFlnk (3),
ZNF/Rpts (8)
Tx (4),
TxWk (5),

Quies (15)
TxFlnk (3),

TxWk (5),
EnhG (6),
Enh (7)
TssA (1) Het (9),
TssBiv (10),
BivFlnk (11),
ReprPC (13),
ReprPCWk (14)
CpG Classifiers South Shore North shore,
South shore,
Open sea
North shelf,
North shore,
Gene Regions   5’-UTRs, Promoters Introns 5’-UTRs,
Otherc Enhancers,
TF binding
lncRNAs Enhancers lncRNAs, Insulators

Abbreviations. UTR = untranslated region; TF = transcription factor; lncRNAs = long non-coding RNAs.

Bolded items. P-value <0.0025 (Bonferroni corrected for 20 tests)

Underlined items. Concordance across both the AYATS and PREG study.

aP-value < 0.05.

bENCODE ChromHMM 15-state model; 1 = Active transcriptional start site (TSS), 2 = Flanking active TSS, 3 = Flanking strong transcription, 4 = Strong transcription, 5 = Weak transcription, 6 = Genic enhancer, 7 = Active enhancer, 8 = Zinc-finger genes and repeats, 9 = Heterochromatin, 10 = Bivalent/poised TSS, 11 = Flanking bivalent TSS, 12 = Bivalent Enhancers, 13 = Polycomb-repressed, 14 = Weak Repressed Polycomb, 15 = Quiescent.

cFANTOM5-defined enhancers, transcription factor binding sites derived from ENCODE TF ChIP-seq, GENCODE long non-coding RNAs.