Table 4.
Results of PREG Enrichment Analyses.a
Annotation | cis | trans | ||
Enriched | Depleted | Enriched | Depleted | |
Chromatin Statesb | TssA (1), ZNF/Rpts (8) |
TssAFlnk (2), Tx (4) | TssAFlnk(2), TxFlnk (3), Enh (7), EnhBiv (12) |
TxWk (5), Het (9), ReprPCWk (14),Quies (15) |
CpG Classifiers | South Shore | North shore, South shore | Island | |
Gene Regions | Exons | Promoters, 3’-UTRs | ||
Otherc | TF binding | Enhancers, TF binding |
Abbreviations. UTR = untranslated region; TF = transcription factor; lncRNAs = long non- coding RNAs.
Bolded items. P-value <0.0025 (Bonferroni corrected for 20 tests)
Underlined items. Concordance across both the AYATS and PREG study.
aP-value < 0.05.
bENCODE ChromHMM 15-state model; 1 = Active transcriptional start site (TSS), 2 = Flank- ing active TSS, 3 = Flanking strong transcription, 4 = Strong transcription, 5 = Weak tran- scription, 6 = Genic enhancer, 7 = Active enhancer, 8 = Zinc-finger genes & repeats, 9 = Heterochromatin, 10 = Bivalent/poised TSS, 11 = Flanking bivalent TSS, 12 = Bivalent En- hancers, 13 = Polycomb-repressed, 14 = Weak Repressed Polycomb, 15 = Quiescent.
cFANTOM5-defined enhancers, transcription factor binding sites derived from ENCODE TF ChIP-seq, GENCODE long non-coding RNAs.