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. 2022 Oct 28;12(10):e064333. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064333

Table 4.

Clinical outcomes from the Menarche-to-PreMenopause Study

Clinic assessment (n=499) Self-assessment (n=779) P value
n n
Age (years), mean (SD) 499 44.60 (1.61) 779 45.28 (1.78) <0.001
Menopausal status, %
 Surgical menopause 8 1.61 20 2.73 0.531
 Not defined due to HRT or OCP use 177 35.61 263 35.93
 Premenopausal 202 40.64 275 37.57
 Perimenopausal 99 19.92 152 20.77
 Postmenopausal 11 2.21 22 3.01
 Missing 2 47
Body mass index category, %
 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 2 0.40 8 1.10 0.38
 Normal weight (18.5–<25 kg/m2) 202 40.56 311 42.60
 Overweight (25–<30 kg/m2) 147 29.52 193 26.44
 Obese (≥30 kg/m2) 147 29.52 218 29.86
 Missing 1 49
Body mass index, mean (SD) 498 27.80 (6.43) 730 27.68 (6.48) 0.75
Body measurements (cm), mean (SD)
 Waist circumference 499 88.78 (14.84) 748 89.18 (14.98) 0.647
 Hip circumference 498 106.21 (13.49) 749 105.97 (13.62) 0.755
 Arm circumference 498 31.27 (5.13) 736 30.36 (4.35) 0.001
 Thigh circumference 498 59.06 (8.47) 746 55.74 (7.78) <0.001
Blood pressure (mm Hg), mean (SD)
 Systolic 494 119.11 (12.37) n/a
 Diastolic 494 77.29 (8.84)
Resting heart rate (beats per min), mean (SD) 493 75.15 (10.50) n/a
Cardiometabolic biomarkers, mean (SD)
 Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 489 5.21 (0.89) n/a
 HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 489 1.64 (0.39)
 LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 486 3.00 (0.77)
 HbA1c (%) 489 5.14 (0.36)
Handgrip strength (kg), mean (SD) n/a
 Dominant hand 486 30.57 (6.01)
 Non-dominant hand 486 28.62 (5.26)
Standing balance test (s)*, mean (SD) n/a
 Eyes open 498 28.57 (5.26)
 Eyes closed 498 10.97 (10.36)
Chair rise test (s), mean (SD) 495 16.72 (4.77) n/a
Reciprocal of the chair rise test†, mean (SD) 495 6.48 (1.86)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment‡, mean (SD) 499 27.69 (1.94) n/a
Lung function, pre-bronchodilator, mean (SD)
 FEV1 (L) 283 3.03 (0.45) n/a
 FVC (L) 283 3.84 (0.56)
 FEV1/FVC (%) 283 0.79 (0.05)
Lung function, post-bronchodilator, mean (SD)
 FEV1 (L) 283 3.12 (0.46) n/a
 FVC (L) 283 3.84 (0.56)
 FEV1/FVC (%) 283 0.82 (0.05)
Ever had asthma or wheezy breathing (%)
 Yes 194 38.96 279 36.23 0.328
 No 304 61.04 491 63.77
 Missing 1 9
Had asthma or wheezy breathing in the last 12 months (%)
 Yes 82 42.27 139 49.12 0.141
 No 112 57.73 144 50.88
 Missing 305 496
Wheeze or whistling in your chest in the last 12 months (%)
 Yes 79 15.86 137 17.77 0.378
 No 419 84.14 634 82.23
 Missing 1 8
Ever had attacks of cough with phlegm (%)
 Yes 239 51.84 361 51.87 0.994
 No 222 48.16 335 48.13
 Missing 38 83
Ever had cough in the absence of a cold (%)
 Yes 116 25.16 141 20.17 0.045
 No 345 74.84 558 79.83
 Missing 38 80
Ever had phlegm in your chest in the absence of a cold (%)
 Yes 28 6.07 49 7.01 0.531
 No 433 93.93 650 92.99
 Missing 38 80

Analysis was conducted using t-tests and Χ2 tests.

*Maximum score of 30 s.

†Reciprocal of chair rise time×100.

‡Score out of 30.

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; n/a, not applicable; OCP, oral contraceptive.