1 |
Ability to retain oral fluids and foods |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
Ability to chew food on ipsilateral side |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
Smile and aesthesis of neo-commissure |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ability to retain oral fluids and foods |
0 |
No continence |
1 |
Some retention of only solid food |
2 |
Good retention of only solid food |
3 |
Good retention of solid food and fluids with occasional spill |
4 |
Excellent retention of solids and fluids |
Ability to chew food on ipsilateral side |
0 |
Poor formation of vestibule. Chewing food not possible on ipsilateral side |
1 |
Good vestibule with poor sulcus. Poor ability to chew and stasis of food |
2 |
Good vestibule and sulcus with chewing moderately possible without retention |
3 |
Anatomically normal vestibule and sulcus with chewing moderately possible with mild retention |
4 |
Anatomically normal vestibule and sulcus with chewing moderately possible with no retention |
Smile and aesthesis of neo-commissure |
0 |
Asymmetrical smile. Commissure rounded and blunted |
1 |
Poor commissure. Poor animation |
2 |
Good commissure but with asymmetry and asymmetrical smile |
3 |
Good commissure but with mild asymmetry and mild asymmetrical smile |
4 |
Anatomically normal-looking commissure with good animation and symmetrical smile |