Involvement of default mode network constituents as well as the insular cortex. The Figure indicates centers of gravity of cortical involvement observed in selected neuroimaging studies detailed in Supplementary Table S3, integrated into the standard MNI 152 template. For according MNI coordinates see Supplementary Table S4. Enclosed is furthermore an automated topic-based meta-analysis using the term “DMN” in article abstracts provided by for comparison purposes. The light-gray areas superposed on the anatomical slices delineate zones preferentially associated with the term in 366 neuroimaging studies with an expected FDR <0.01. The red and dark blue spheres indicate the involvement of dorsal and ventral mPFC, and the yellow spheres indicate PCC involvement. (A–F) Self-specifying processes involve the dorsal mPFC whereas self-relational processes involve ventral mPFC, together with pre- and subgenual ACC, as well as PCC and retrosplenial cortex. Please note: Involvement of mPFC at the level of superior frontal gyrus is predominant in subjects of no meditation experience suggesting voluntary effort during a task. (C,F) The dorsal area of the PCC, marked by a star, may be a separate compartment: an interface between the resting state network and the network regulating cognitive control (Leech et al., 2011). Ad insular cortex (light blue): Proximal insular cortex is a primary interoceptive center with distinct homeostatic functions (D,G,I), whereas dorsal anterior insular cortex has been shown to support explicit interoceptive attention (I) (Wang et al., 2019). (A,H,I) IPL (green spheres) at its posterior part (angular gyrus) is related to the DMN, whereas at its anterior part (supramarginal gyrus) to the FPCN.