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. 2022 Oct 17;16:928522. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.928522

Table 3.

The self-specifying process in mindfulness from subjects naïve in mindfulness to expert status proficient in the metacognitive skill.

Observed neurophenomenology is dependent on duration of mindfulness training
Status Duration of meditation training Behavioral domain Neurophenomenology of tasks Putative structures related to neurophenomenology
No experience and novices 0 Mind wandering Activity independent thoughts FC bw mPFC, PCC and precuneusa
On a waitlist for meditation courses Emotion control Voluntary suppression Amygdala connected to dlPFCb
Emotion control Mindful self-regulation Amygdala connected to dmPFCb
Emotion control Introspection vs. self-reflection SLF (dmPFC) ↑ and amygdala ↓c
Mindful disposition
Mindful disposition
Expression of mindfulness traits according validated scales FC bw PCC and Precuneusd
FC bw thalamus and PCC (structure)e
Focused attention “Distracted” awareness* BOLD in DMN (↓), mostly in dmPFC ↓f
Initial experience Months Open monitoring Experiential vs. narrative focus dorsal mPFC ↓, ventral mPFC ↓g
Open monitoring Integration of IC and EC dmPFC interacts across different conditionsg
Advanced experience Years Open monitoring Self-relational detachment FC bw striatum and retrosplenial cortexh
Steering mindful state Recognition of lapse into MW dorsal ACC, bilateral anterior insula ↑i
Steering mindful state Shifting from MW to FA mPFC/ACC in high meditation practice ↓↓j
Global attention Moment-to-moment awareness FC of dorsal mPFC L to IPL R ↑k
Experts > 5 years Focused attention “Undistracted” awareness* PCC ↓↓l
Metacognition Control across meditation states Co-activation of mPFC, PCC, dorsal ACC, dlPFCm
Non-dual awareness Access to context-oriented info Synergism between DMN and sensory networks, e.g., a visual network processingn

IC, interoception; EC, exteroception; FC, functional connectivity; MW, mind wandering; FA, focused attention; bw, between.

Appropriate references:


Mason et al. (2007a);


Murakami et al. (2015);


Herwig et al. (2010);


Shaurya Prakash et al. (2013);


Wang et al. (2014);


Scheibner et al. (2017);


Farb et al. (2013);


Fujino et al. (2018);


Hasenkamp et al. (2012);


Hasenkamp and Barsalou (2012);


Taylor et al. (2013);


Garrison et al. (2013);


Brewer et al. (2011);


Josipovic et al. (2011).


“Distracted” awareness means switching between FA, MW and refocusing whereas “undistracted” awareness means longer phases of undisturbed focusing.