Fig. 2. Microtubule deacetylation allows the onset of CCM in vivo.
a–c, NC undergo deacetylation in vivo. a, Schematic showing the plane of sectioning (HM, head mesoderm; ML, mediolateral; AP, anteroposterior; DV, dorso-ventral). b, In the upper panel, representative confocal projections of transverse cryosections showing highlighted NC nuclei (cyan) and fibronectin (magenta) at non-migratory and migratory stages; in the lower panel, colour-coded projections of the acetylated α-Tubulin channel are shown (scale bar, 100 μm); an inset from the NC region emphasizing the signal differences between both stages is shown in the upper right corner (scale bar, 50 μm). a.u., arbitrary units. c, Normalized acetylated α-Tubulin fluorescence intensity; spread of data from the indicated conditions is shown, red lines represent median and whiskers represent interquartile ranges (two-tailed Mann–Whitney ****P < 0.0001, CI = 95%, nnon-migratory = 17, nmigratory = 17 embryos). d–o, Graft experiments. d, Diagram of wild-type (WT) stage 17.5 (premigratory) NC grafted into stage 17.5 wild-type host embryos. e, Diagram of hyperacetylated stage 17.5 NC grafted into stage 17.5 wild-type host embryos. f,g, Embryos displaying the results of the grafts shown in d and e, respectively. h, Percentage of embryos displaying NC migration; histograms represent the mean and error bars the s.d. i, Normalized displacement of NC along the dorso-ventral axis; red lines represent mean and whiskers s.d. (two-tailed t-test, ****P < 0.0001, CI = 95. In f and g, ncontrol = 22, nhyperacetylated = 22 animals). j, Diagram of wild-type stage 17.5 NC grafted into wild-type stage 14 (non-migratory) host embryos. k, Diagram of hypoacetylated stage 17.5 NC grafted into stage 14 wild-type host embryos. l,m, Embryo displaying the results of the grafts shown in j and k, respectively. Open neural plate highlighted in white lines with its width indicated by red lines. n, Percentage of embryos displaying NC premature migration; histograms represent media, error bars s.d. o, Normalized displacement of NC along the dorso-ventral axis; red lines represent mean and whiskers s.d. (two-tailed t-test, ****P < 0.0001, CI = 95. In l and m, ncontrol = 20, nhypoacetylated = 20 animals). Panels in b,f,g,l,m are representative examples of at least three independent experiments (scale bars in f,g,l,m, 200 μm).