Fig. 4. Mesoderm stiffening control microtubule deacetylation via Piezo1-mediated mechanosensing.
a, Schematic showing the regions measured by AFM, black arrows indicate the recorded region. b, Spread of data for each condition; red lines represent mean and whiskers s.d. (two-tailed t-test ****P < 0.0001, ***P < 0.0006, CI = 95%, ncontrol mesoderm = 8, nca-Mypt1 mesoderm = 7, nmigratory NC in control = 8, nmigratory NC in ca-Mypt1 = 8 embryos; 64 indentations per embryo). c, Immunofluorescence analysis showing acetylated α-Tubulin and α-Tubulin signal in NC platted on soft or stiff hydrogels (nuclei in magenta and NC border in cyan) (scale bar, 20 μm). d, Normalized fluorescence intensity ratio of acetylated α-Tubulin versus α-Tubulin; red lines represent mean and whiskers s.d. (two-tailed t-test, ****P < 0.0001, nsoft = 13 clusters; nstiff = 15 clusters). e–g, Piezo1 regulates microtubule acetylation in vivo. e, Schematic showing the plane of sectioning (HM, head mesoderm; ML, mediolateral; AP, anteroposterior; DV, dorso-ventral). f, Upper panel, confocal projections of transverse cryosections showing highlighted NC nuclei (cyan) and fibronectin (magenta); lower panel, colour-code image of the acetylated α-Tubulin channel (scale bar, 100 μm); upper right inset emphasizes the signal differences between both treatments in the NC (scale bar, 50 μm). g, Normalized acetylated (norm. acet.) α-Tubulin fluorescence intensity, spread of data is shown; red lines represent mean and whiskers s.d. (two-tailed t-test ***P = 0.004, CI = 95%, nControl = 12, nPiezo1-MO = 12 embryos). c and f are representative confocal projections from three independent experiments.