Fig. 5.
MSRs classified by expected LCOE, including installation costs, operation and maintenance costs, transmission grid extension costs and road network extension costs. (a) All-Africa MSRs, screened by LCOE up to coverage of 5% of a country’s area, classified by five LCOE categories from cheaper to costlier. (b) The country-level area-weighted distribution of MSRs across these five categories. Country abbreviations denote alpha-2 codes; see Supplementary Table 4 for a list of full names. Countries with comparatively low overall VRE potential are marked with symbols (*), (**) or (***) if total MSR area covered less than 3%, 1% and 0.1% of the country, respectively, and with (−) in case of absence of MSRs in that country. (c,d) Each country’s average LCOE as function of average CF (averages weighted by MSR area), for solar PV (c) and wind (d). SO = Somalia, NA = Namibia, UG = Uganda, DJ = Djibouti, TD = Chad, TN = Tunisia, CM = Cameroon.