Fraction of samples that are Sig3+ (top), the proportion of samples with germline BRCA1/2mut for Sig3+ and Sig3− groups (middle), and pie charts showing the fraction of samples that are Sig3+ germline BRCA1/2 WT in TNBCs from PETREMAC trial (A) and TCGA ovarian cancers and the major clinical subtypes of breast cancer (B). The fraction of samples that are Sig3+ but not germline BRCA1/2mut are shown below the pie charts in red and the fractions are indicated below. Pink: Sig3+ and germline BRCA1/2mut, Green: Sig3− and germline BRCA1/2mut, and Blue Sig3− and germline BRCA1/2 WT. C, HR-gene alterations in patients from the PETREMAC trial. D, ORR from patients from the PETREMAC trial according to panel-Sig3 classification and etiology of Sig3. Error bars denote the SE. The number of samples and the responders are denoted in parenthesis. WT, wild type.