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. 2021 Sep 25;28(8):1696–1703. doi: 10.1177/10781552211039489

Table 1.

Demographic data, vaccine history and hesitancy to receive COVID-19 vaccination (n = 211).

Variable N (%) Variable N (%)
Gender H1N1 vaccinated in 2009
 Male 73 (34.6)  Yes 17 (8.1)
 Female 137 (64.9)  No 180 (85.3)
Age 52.6 ± 12.4  Not sure/Don't remember 14 (6.6)
 25–39 35 (16.6) SFV in the last 5 years
 40–54 90 (42.7)  Yes 84 (39.8)
 55–69 62 (29.4)  No 126 (59.7)
 70–84 24 (11.4)  Not sure/Don't remember 1 (0.5)
Health-related occupations Want to get COVID-19 vaccinated
 Yes 22 (10.4)  Yes 78 (37.0)
 No 188 (89.1)  No 68 (32.2)
Educational background  Not sure 63 (29.9)
 Secondary education 105 (49.8) Hesitancy reasons (MCQ)
 Diploma/Degree 69 (32.7)  Not allowed due to medical history 3 (1.4)
 Postgraduate education 37 (17.5)  I have doubts about vaccine efficacy 76 (36.0)
Active anti-cancer treatment  I do not trust the health system 3 (1.4)
 Yes 35 (16.6)  I am afraid of the side effects and the impact of the vaccine on my health 77 (36.5)
 No 176 (83.4)  Other/Most common answers: 1. I will wait for the oncologist to tell me what he/she thinks. 2. I will let the time pass for now and maybe I will trust it later. 17 (8.1)

H1N1: influenza A virus subtype; MCQ: multiple choice question; SFV: seasonal flu vaccinated.