Demography |
1 |
Year of DHS |
2012, 2018 |
2 |
Age groups |
15–18 years, 19–30 years, 31–40 years, 41–49 years |
3 |
Administrative region |
Conakry, Boké, Faranah, Kankan, Kindia, Labé, Mamou, N'Zérékoré |
4 |
Level of education |
No formal education, primary, secondary and university |
5 |
Marital status |
Single, married. Widow, divorced women and women in the separation were considered single |
6 |
Parity |
Primiparous (1 delivery), Multiparous (more than 1 deliveries) |
7 |
Gender of head of household |
Male, Female |
8 |
Age of the head of household |
16–25 years, 26–40 years, 41–60 years, 61–91 years |
9 |
Relationships with the head of the household |
We considered as a direct link any father/mother-daughter, Sister and husband-wife relationship. When the respondent was the head of the household, the link was direct. Otherwise, the link was indirect |
10 |
Household size |
The number of persons living in the household. It is divided into 2–4 people, 5–10 people, 11–38 people |
11 |
Place of delivery |
Domicile, private health structure, public health structure |
12 |
Partner's level of education |
No formal education, primary, secondary and university |
13 |
Desire for pregnancy |
Yes, no |
Socio-economics |
14 |
Wealth Index |
Poor, middle and richer. The poorest and poorer were classified as poorer, the richer and richest as richer |
15 |
Occupation |
Yes, no |
Information |
16 |
Journal |
Access, no access |
17 |
Radio |
Access, no access |
18 |
Television |
Access, no access |
Health Care use |
19 |
Antenatal care (ANC) |
Less than 4 ACNs, 4 ACNs and More |
20 |
Time of the first ANC |
The first quarter, the second quarter, the third quarter |