Figure 5.
Biosensor device integration and customization via 3D printing. a) 3D printed microfluidic colorimetric sensor.[124] b) Example of using 3D printing to create custom reconfigurable components for biosensing: assembly and operation of push valves used in a microfluidic biosensor (red and yellow colors indicate valves and pistons, respectively).[124] Reproduced with permission.[124] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. c) 3D printed microneedles for drug delivery and biosensing.[173] Reproduced with permission.[173] Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH. d) 3D printed GRE device[175] with a CAD layout that shows the embedded electronics for sensing and drug delivery. e) Dimension of the GRE device in (d). f) X-ray image showing the deployment of the GRE device in (d) in a porcine stomach. Reproduced with permission.[175] Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH.