Fig. 3. High K+ high Cl− diet decreases ClC-K2/b activity on the basolateral membrane of collecting duct intercalated cells.
Representative macroscopic currents in response to voltage steps from −90 to + 60 mV (shown in inset) from the holding potential of − 60 mV (a) and averaged current-voltage (I–V) relations (b) in intercalated cells from mice kept on regular diet (0.9% K+, 0.5% Cl−: RK+ RCl−, black) and high KCl diet (6% K+, 5% Cl−: HK+ HCl−, gray). c Representative continuous current traces from cell-attached patches monitoring basolateral 10 pS ClC-K2/b single channel activity in collecting duct intercalated cells for the regular (left) and high KCl (right) conditions. Patches were clamped to −Vp = − 60 mV. “C” denotes non-conducting closed state. Summary graph of changes in open probability (d), number of active channels within a patch (e), and unitary current amplitude (f) of ClC-K2/b in intercalated cells from mice on regular diet and high KCl diet. *Significant difference versus regular diet