Was there a clear statement of the aims of the research? |
Background describes neuropsychiatric symptoms in the setting of PLWD in nursing homes
Describes paucity of research of NH staff perspectives, need for sociological considerations
Is a qualitative methodology appropriate? |
Was the research design appropriate to address the aims of the research? |
Grounded theory congruent with stated purpose and objectives
Clear description of focus group and inclusion of demo video
Excerpts from focus group guide were provided and in line with aims of research
Unclear description of decision to include emergency department provider perspectives and if asked different questions
Voice of the patient is absent; not recruited in the study (expressed by authors as limitation)
Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research? |
Purposive sampling appropriate for aims
Allows for multivocality due to inclusion of family members, nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, and administrators
Was the data collected in a way that addressed the research issue? |
Focus group method appropriate for exploratory qualitative approach and grounded theory methodology
Setting for data collection was justified
Described planning of single-role focus groups to minimize power differentials in first groups, then planned multirole groups
Described iterative modification of interview guide
Collecting data at staff meeting with semistructured interview allowed exploration of staff perspectives
Describes how the second interview session was modified to include a questionnaire based on results from first interview sessions
Has the relationship between researcher and participants been adequately considered? |
Self-reflexivity noted in data analysis
Researchers critically examined own role and potential bias during analysis phase
Many direct quotes promote authenticity and credibility
Have ethical issues been taken into consideration? |
Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous? |
Reflexivity used to address preconceptions and biases
Transparent discussion of limitations and potential for bias from self-selecting to participate due to interest in technology
Constant comparative analysis, line-by-line coding, memo writing, and integrative diagramming techniques described
Is there a clear statement of findings? |
Theoretical constructs effectively demonstrate findings such as trust, validation, role misunderstanding, remote presence, and “the power of the visual”
Described research team members' regular meetings to reach consensus on codes
Findings thoroughly discussed in relation to original research question
How valuable is the research? |
Timely and significant topic
Paucity of research in nursing home perspectives, especially in regard to telehealth
Transferable findings
Identified new areas for further research