Identified gaps, target Lesion Index (LSI), and achieved LSI by anatomical region. A: The number of subjects with gaps identified in each defined pulmonary vein region is noted. Note that in 3 subjects gaps were identified but unable to be isolated. Subjects may have experienced a reconnection in more than 1 zone. B: For each defined pulmonary vein region displayed in panel A, the mean ± standard deviation target LSI, the mean ± standard deviation achieved LSI, and the mean ± standard deviation minimum achieved LSI per subject for first-pass isolation (no gaps identified in the zone) are displayed. Target LSI, the desired LSI value for each lesion, was defined by the operator for each region in each subject. Achieved LSI for each lesion was included in the AutoMark data. Postprocedure, each lesion was categorized into a defined region. Abbreviations as in Figure 2.