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. 2022 Jul 22;3(5):613–619. doi: 10.1016/j.hroo.2022.07.007

Table 1.

Heart Rhythm Society member open forum responses

Resp. Rec. PPM? Comments
1 Maybe Had a similar pt for 10 years without issue. Highlighted need for more data
2 No Not without symptoms
3 Maybe Highlighted need for topic to be mentioned in guidelines
4 No Consider CNA
5 No No PPM or CNA without symptoms
6 No Had 2 similar pts who developed pauses and symptoms while awake, chose CNA with good results
7 No Not without symptoms
8 No No PPM regardless of pause length
9 Maybe Had a similar pt with 12-second pauses and shaking, would frequently fall out of bed. PPM resolved symptoms. Highlighted need for more data/sleep EEGs.
10 No Consider CNA if daytime symptoms
11 No CNA if severe daytime bradycardia, or PPM if severe nocturnal pauses with pause-dependent wide QRS ventricular escape beats or NSVT
12 No Had 3 similar pts (2 complete HB, 1 sinus pauses) whose arrhythmia burden improved with SSRI (chosen for pro-adrenergic and pro-serotoninergic actions)
13 Maybe Had a similar pt in whom PPM resolved diurnal “brain fog.” Recommended broad definition of “symptomatic.” Wondered about thrombotic risk with long pauses
14 No Commented that vagotonia from running is not responsible since REM vagal tone is less predominant. Suggested removing culprit medications
15 Maybe Had 2 similar pts without issue. Highlighted need for more guidance in literature
16 No Recommended de-training in athletic pts but recognized difficulty of adherence
17 No Not without daytime symptoms, recommended extended monitoring to detect association with daytime symptoms
18 Yes Had a similar pt whom he implanted after discussing with Dr Guilleminault (author of 2011 review)13 owing to theoretical risk of sudden cardiac death
19 No Had a pt with pause of 13.8 seconds, no issue with 7 years of follow-up
20 No Not without symptoms
21 No Would not implant without symptoms but wondered about subclinical brain damage during prolonged asystole
22 No Not without presyncope or syncope
23 Maybe Had 2 similar pts found on cardiac monitor after cryptogenic stroke. Wondered if pauses caused stroke and if related cerebral hypoperfusion is damaging in elderly pts. Highlighted need for outcomes research
24 Maybe Had a similar pt in whom an HCM4 mutation was discovered and subsequently underwent PPM implantation. Recommended genetic testing.
25 Yes Had a similar pt who received PPM, AAI mode. Later developed more exertional fatigue on runs; AAIR mode resolved symptoms
26 Maybe Highlighted difficulties with lack of prognostic data. Mentioned that a colleague implants PPM for pauses >8 seconds
27 No Not without daytime symptoms

CNA = cardioneural ablation; EEG = electroencephalogram; HB = heart block; NSVT = nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; PPM = permanent pacemaker; Pt(s) – patient(s); Rec. = recommended; REM = rapid eye movement sleep; Resp = respondent; SSRI = selective serotonin release inhibitor.