Phospho- and total proteomics reveals DNA repair pathways are activated upon VRK1 knockdown in VRK2-low cells. A, Heat maps showing total proteomics (left) and phosphoproteomics (right) in VRK2-low and VRK2-high U251MG cells at 5 and 7days after doxycycline. B, Gene set enrichment analysis of 7-day total proteomics data in the doxycycline conditions. C, Volcano plots of differential expression analysis of total proteomic data. The x-axis represents log2-fold change and the y-axis represents the FDR [−log10(q value)]; black circles, proteins with greater than ± 2 log-fold change. D, Volcano plots of differential expression analysis of phosphoproteomic data. The x-axis represents log2-fold change and the y-axis represents the FDR [−log10(q value)]; black circles, proteins with greater than ± 2 log-fold change. E, Immunoblots of select proteins from U251MG VRK2-low and VRK2-high cells treated with or without doxycycline for 7 days.