Representative widefield images of expanded centrioles during ciliogenesis from siCT (A, B) and siSFI1 (C, D) RPE‐1 treated cells. Cells were stained for α/β‐tubulin (magenta) and CEP164 (red hot). Note the abnormal organization of the distal appendage protein CEP164 in siSFI1‐treated cells. Scale bar: 250 nm.
Representative widefield images of expanded centrioles during ciliogenesis from siCT (E, F) and siSFI1 (G, H) RPE‐1 treated cells. Cells were stained for α/β‐tubulin (magenta) and CEP90 (cyan). Scale bar: 250 nm.
Frequency distribution of the number of dots per centriole formed by CEP164 in the indicated conditions.
Frequency distribution of the number of dots per centriole formed by CEP90 in the indicated conditions.
Percentage of cells presenting abnormal CEP164 and CEP90 in the indicated conditions.
Model of SFI1/Centrin localization and function at the distal end of human centrioles.
Data information: Average ± SD, N, statistical analysis: (I) siCT = 0–7 dots: 0%, 8 dots: 9.5%, 9 dots: 90.5%. siSFI1 = 0 dot: 3.6%, 1–2 dots: 0%, 3 dots: 1.8%, 4 dots: 5.4%, 5 dots: 14.3%, 6 dots: 17.9%, 7 dots: 14.3%, 8 dots: 17.9%, 9 dots: 25. N = 21 and 56 centrioles for siCT and siSFI1 respectively from three independent experiments. Mann–Whitney test (***P < 0.0001). (J) siCT = 0–7 dots: 0%, 8 dots: 35.7%, 9 dots: 64.3%. siSFI1 = 0–7 dots: 0%, 8 dots: 21.4%, 9 dots: 78.6%. N = 14 and 28 centrioles for siCT and siSFI1 respectively from three independent experiments. Mann–Whitney test (P = 0.459). (K) siCT = CEP164: 4.2% ± 3.6, CEP90: 7.8% ± 4.4. siSFI1 = CEP164: 52.8% ± 2.5, CEP90: 11.4% ± 3.7. N = 3 independent experiments (> 50 centrioles/experiments). Two‐way ANOVA followed by Sidak's multiple comparison (CEP164 siCT vs. siSFI1, ***P < 0.0001; CEP90 siCT vs. siSFI1, P = 0.607).