From clinical history |
Demographics: age, sex, date of birth and self-identified race
A medical history (eg, cardiac disease, bronchial asthma, eczema)
Previous ED visits for anaphylaxis
Current anaphylaxis augmenting factors (eg, physical exercise, viral illness or fever, menses in female, drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antacid, ß-blockers and ACE inhibitors)
Allergen trigger (eg, type, time of exposure and onset of symptoms, location)
From physical examination |
Participant weight
Vital signs at triage (heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation)
Triage score (based on Canadian Paediatric Triage and Acuity Scale)
Physical exam findings on arrival at ED
From prehospital and initial ED intervention, and disposition |
Treatment interventions (eg, epinephrine, bronchodilators) received before arrival at ED and during transport by paramedics (if applicable)
Non-pharmacological/supportive interventions (such as intubation and intravenous fluids) and timeline
Pharmacological interventions (including dose, route, frequency and time administered)
Disposition time, location (home or hospitalisation), list of discharge medications and outpatient allergy referral
From ED monitoring period |
Presence and description of new/recurrent symptoms/signs
Time of new recurring symptoms/signs
Management interventions given for biphasic reaction
From follow-up email/phone call after ED disposition |
Presence and description of new/recurrent symptoms/signs
Time of new/recurrent symptoms/signs
Management interventions given for biphasic reaction, including visits to ED/primary care providers
From 6 month follow-up (if applicable) |