Figure 4. Gene expression differences of wildtype (WT) and CEP83−/− D7 monolayers based on bulk and single-cell transcriptomics.
(A) Principal component analysis (PCA) of WT (WT1, WT2) and CEP83−/− (KO1, KO2) cells at day 7 using the average gene expression of the top highly variable 1000 genes in pseudo-bulk scRNA sequencing data. The % variation explained by each PCA axis is indicated in brackets. (B) PCA eigenvalues indicate that the principal components, Dim 1 (54%) and Dim 2 (31.3%), account for 85.3% of the expression differences. Dim 1 separates the WT samples from the KO samples, while Dim 2 separates experiment 1 (WT1, KO1) from experiment 2 (WT2, KO2). (B) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) of scRNA-seq profiles from 27,328 cells from two wildtype clones (WT1, WT2) and two CEP83−/− clones (KO1, KO2) derived from two separate experiments (experiment 1: WT1, KO1; experiment 2: WT2, KO2). Unbiased clustering resulted in 10 clusters, and (C) dot plots show expression of selected marker genes of each cluster. (D) UMAP plots for WT and KO samples show the distribution of all clusters per sample (N=2 per group) in B–D. See Figure 4—figure supplements 1–3. Source data is available as described in section (Data availability).