Extended Data Fig. 4. Low-mutation IgG1 ASCs are uncoupled from the contemporaneous memory.
(a-e) Single cell VDJ analysis of ASCs and memory compartments from ICU-C patients (n = 3) (a,b) BASELINe selection analysis of CDR selection in ASC vs. memory B cell populations, grouped by isotype (n = 4). (b) Statistical selective pressure comparisons of selected isotypes. Bars = 95% CI (c) Frequency of clonotypes whose most expanded member maintains germline heavy and light chain BCR configuration from IgG1+ ASC or CD27+ memory compartments. (d) Clonotype connectivity between IgG1+ ASCs and the contemporaneous CD27+ memory compartment. Patients displaying any connectivity highlighted in green. (e) Relative clonal connectivity between mutated (>=1% mutation) versus unmutated (<1%) IgG1+ ASCs and the contemporaneous memory. Only two patients showing active connection between the compartments [2d] are evaluated. (c) Statistical significance was determined using paired two-tailed t-testing between indicated groups. *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01.