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. 2020 Oct 6;113(1):172–178. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa278


Parameter values used in the model1

Base case Range Distribution
Probability of stopping PN over 1 mo with teduglutide (10) 7.2% 0.3—24.5% β
Rate of CLABSI (per 1000 catheter d) (Institutional) 4 0—12 Uniform
Monthly probability of death on PN (1) 1.6% 0.5—3.4% β
Monthly probability of death off PN (1) 0.5% 0.3—0.7% β
Monthly probability of transplant (1) 1.7% 0.5—3.5% β
Monthly probability of death after transplant (1, 2) 0.5% 0—3.1% β
 Enteral autonomy (18) 0.82 0.76—0.88 Normal
 7 d PN/wk (18) 0.36 0.26—0.46 Normal
 Teduglutide cost/wk (11) $7799 $3500 - 13,700 γ
 Parenteral nutrition cost/d (23, 24) $280 $238–390 Triangular
 PN-related lab cost/wk (20) $63 $29—110 γ
 Office visits (21) $115 $71—169 γ
 Cost per CLABSI (15) $30,094 $6690—138,760 Lognormal
 Intestinal transplant (22) $104,991 $54,408—172,346 γ
 Care after transplant/mo
  First 2 y posttransplant (25) $7868 $6553—9669 γ
  3+ y posttransplant (25) $5816 $4553—7572  γ

Columns represent the base case model, the range over which sensitivity analyses were performed, and the assumed shape of the statistical distribution used in probabilistic sensitivity analysis for each parameter. References in parentheses. CLABSI, central line associated bloodstream infection; PN, parenteral nutrition.