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. 2022 May 31;95(9):1871–1879. doi: 10.1007/s00420-022-01884-2

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of the study participants at baseline and follow-up

Variable Categories Baseline (2015) Follow-up (2021)
N % N %
Age group (years) 18–31 476 9.5 217 5.3
32–44 872 17.4 670 16.3
45–57 1603 32.0 1271 30.9
58–70 2066 41.2 1953 47.5
Body mass index (kg/m2) BMI < 20 190 3.9 183 3.8
20 ≤ BMI < 25 2063 41.8 1885 38.7
25 ≤ BMI < 30 1909 38.7 1933 39.7
BMI > 30 769 15.6 864 17.8
Tobacco habits Daily smoking 289 5.8 190 3.8
Daily snuff use 665 13.4 686 13.8
Work status Not workinga 1064 21.7 1907 38.3
Working 3843 78.3 3078 61.7
Occupational cold exposure None (NRS 1) 2857 59.2 2190 51.0
Any (NRS > 1)b 1969 40.8 2105 49.0
Leisure-time cold exposure Low (NRS ≤ 5) 2442 49.5 1660 33.5
High (NRS > 5)b 2487 50.5 3295 66.5
Airway symptomsc Wheeze 936 18.7 837 16.7
Long-standing cough 1086 21.7 772 15.4
Productive cough 1000 19.9 942 18.8

BMI body mass index, NRS numerical rating scale

aPensioners, students, unemployed, and those on sick or parental leave

bDichotomized based the 50th percentile

cAffected by item non-response and presented as absolute percentages