COVID-19 Case Origin Disclosure and Insurance Take-up: The Moderating Role of Confidence in Local Government
This table reports the results on the role of confidence in local governments in affecting how the take-up of COVID-19 insurance responds to local public disclosure of case origins (Disclose (t-1), a dummy that equals one for having such origin disclosure). Each observation refers to a prefecture-day combination. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered at cities. All regression models include a constant and its estimates are not tabulated for brevity. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. Distrust is the average level of people's lack of confidence in local governments (measured at the province level) in 2012, and Distrust is absorbed by prefecture dummies. Distrust ranks from 1 (complete trust) to 4 (complete distrust). The number of observations drops because Distrust in the 2012 CGSS survey does not cover Hainan province and Tibet, which caused a loss of observations in this test. Columns (1) and (3) are restricted to the observations whose Distrust is available.