Disclose (t-1) |
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the local government of prefecture i discloses the origins of confirmed cases on day t-1, and 0 otherwise. |
lnConfirmed (t-1) |
Log(1+newly confirmed cases) in prefecture i on day t-1. |
lnDead (t-1) |
Log(1+new deaths) in prefecture i on day t-1. |
lnProvConfirmed (t-1) |
Log(1+newly confirmed cases in the province where prefecture i locates on day t-1, but excluding the prefecture concerned) |
Disclose_Neighbor (t-1) |
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the major neighboring prefecture of prefecture i discloses the origins of confirmed cases on day t-1, and 0 otherwise. |
lnConfirmed_Neighbor (t-1) |
Log(1+newly confirmed cases in a major neighboring prefecture city of prefecture i on day t-1). |
lnDead_Neighbor (t-1) |
Log(1+new deaths in a major neighboring prefecture city of prefecture i on day t-1). |
lnPolicies |
COVID-19 |
Log(1+ count of new COVID-19 insurance policies) in prefecture i on day t. |
Medical Treatment |
Log(1+ count of new medical treatment insurance policies) in prefecture i on day t. |
Serious Illness |
Log(1+ count of new serious illness insurance policies) in prefecture i on day t. |
Life |
Log(1+ count of new life insurance policies) in prefecture i on day t. |
Small Business |
Log(1+ count of new small business insurance policies) in prefecture i on day t. |
Accident |
Log(1+ count of new accident insurance policies) in prefecture i on day t. |
Travel |
Log(1+ count of new travel insurance policies) in prefecture i on day t. |
lnPremiums |
COVID-19 |
Log(1+ new COVID-19 insurance premiums) in prefecture i on day t. |
Medical Treatment |
Log(1+ new medical treatment insurance premiums) in prefecture i on day t. |
Serious Illness |
Log(1+ new serious illness insurance premiums) in prefecture i on day t. |
Life |
Log(1+ new life insurance premiums) in prefecture i on day t. |
Small Business |
Log(1+ new small business insurance premiums) in prefecture i on day t. |
Accident |
Log(1+ new accident insurance premiums) in prefecture i on day t. |
Travel |
Log(1+ new travel insurance premiums) in prefecture i on day t. |
lnBaiduSearchIndex |
Search Keyword 1 |
Log(1+ Baidu search index using keyword representing the Chinese equivalent of “Coronavirus” (xinxing guanzhuang bingdu)) in prefecture i on day t. |
Search Keywords 2 |
Log(1+ Baidu search index for keywords representing the Chinese equivalent of “Coronavirus” (xinxing guanzhuang bingdu or xin guan bingdu), “Corona-pneumonia” (xinxing guanzhuang feiyan or xinguan feiyan), and “Corona” (xinguan)) in prefecture i on day t. |
Ratio of New Users Above 60 |
Proportion of newly registered users above 60 in prefecture i on day t. |
Ratio of New Female Users |
Proportion of newly registered female users in prefecture i on day t. |
lnMobilePhone |
Log(the number of mobile phone users scaled by local population) in prefectural i in 2018. |
lnInternetAccess |
Log(the number of Internet subscribers scaled by local population) in prefecture i in 2018. |
Scaled-Cumulative Confirmed (t-1) > 0.05 |
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the cumulative confirmed cases in prefecture i on day t-1 scaled by prefectural population in 2018 is higher than 0.05 person per 10 thousand persons, and 0 otherwise. |
SARS Cases Above 1000 |
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the provincial confirmed cases in 2003 SARS pandemic were more than 1000 cases, and 0 otherwise. |
Milestone200 (t-1) |
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the cumulative confirmed cases in prefecture i on day t-1 has reached 200 cases, and 0 otherwise. |
High Above 65 Ratio |
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the provincial ratio of population above 65 years old is higher than the median of the province-level variable in 2018, and 0 otherwise. |
High Old Dependency Ratio |
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the provincial old dependency ratio (population above 65 over working population) is higher than the median of the province-level variable in 2018, and 0 otherwise. |
Distrust |
Average province-level lack of confidence in local government in 2012, which takes a value between 1 and 4, with 1 as completely trustworthy and 4 as completely untrustworthy. |