Table 1.
The detailed configuration for multi-resolution segmentation framework
Procedure | Design choice | Coarse model | Fine model |
Pre-processing | Intensity normalization |
If CT, z score with fixed mean and standard deviation (SD) & clipping to [−1, 1]; If MRI, percentile z score with mean and SD & clipping to [−1, 1] |
If CT, z score with fixed mean and SD & clipping to [−1, 1]; If MRI, percentile z score with mean and SD & clipping to [−1, 1] |
Image resampling strategy | Nearest neighbor interpolation |
Nearest neighbor interpolation; Linear interpolation |
Annotation resampling strategy | [0, 1, …, class-1] encoding nearest neighbor / linear interpolation | [0, 1, …, class-1] encoding nearest neighbor interpolation | |
Image target spacing | Spacing fixed to [5, 5, 5] | Spacing fixed to [1, 1, 1] | |
Network topology |
VB-Net for common organs; Adaptive VB-Net for large organs |
VB-Net for common organs; Adaptive VB-Net for large organs |
Patch size | [96, 96, 96] |
[96, 96, 96] for common organs; [196, 196, 196] for large organs |
Batch size | At least 2, given multi-GPU memory constraint | At least 2, given multi-GPU memory constraint | |
Training | Learning rate | Step learning rate schedule (initial, 1e-4) | Step learning rate schedule (initial, 1e-4) |
Loss function | Dice and boundary Dice |
Dice and boundary Dice for OARs; 3D Dice, boundary Dice, and adaptive 2D Dice for CTV and PTV |
Optimizer | Adam (momentum = 0.9, decay = 1e-4, betas = (0.9, 0.999)) | Adam (momentum = 0.9, decay = 1e-4, betas = (0.9, 0.999)) | |
Data augmentation | Rotating, scaling, flipping, shifting & adding noise | Rotating, scaling, flipping, shifting & adding noise | |
Training procedure | 1000 epochs, global sampling & mask sampling | 1000 epochs, global sampling & mask sampling | |
Testing | Configuration for pre-processing |
Resampling to fix spacing as training; Image partition given GPU memory |
Available to expand the bounding box with user-set size or not; Resampling to fix spacing as training; Image partition given GPU memory |
Configuration for post-processing |
Resampling to raw image spacing; Available to pick the largest connected component (CC) in segmentation or not; Available to remove small CC in segmentation or not |
Resampling to raw image spacing; Available to pick the largest CC in segmentation or not; Available to remove small CC in segmentation or not |