Main cytokines and chemokines elevated in the Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype by senescent fibroblasts. Senescent fibroblasts are characterized by cell-cycle arrest mainly related to increased levels of cyclin-dependent kinases inhibitors (p15INK4b, p16INK4a, p21CIP1), decreased levels of lamin B1 and the presence of a SASP characterized by increased levels of cytokines and chemokine such as IL-6, MIF, IL-1α and β which acts as pro-inflammatory cytokines. For example, chemokines such as CXCL-1, CXCL-8, CXCL-5, and CXCL-4 can be chemoattractants for neutrophils. CCL-3, CCL-4, CXCL-12, and CCL-2 can be chemoattractants for monocytes, and IL-8, CXCL-12, and CCL-3 can act as a chemoattractant for T cells. Notably, CCL-2 and CCL-3 can also attract NK cells. MIF, macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MIP1α, macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; CXCL-5, C-X-C motif chemokine 5; PF-4, platelet factor 4; SDF-1, stromal cell-derived factor 1; SAHF, Senescence-associated heterochromatin foci; TAF, Telomere-associated DDR foci; DNA-SCARS, DNA segments with chromatin alterations reinforcing senescence. SA-βGal, Senescence-associated beta galactosidase; GROα, growth-regulated alpha protein.