Fig. 3.
Investigation of drug efficacy for 5-ASA, prednisolone, 6-MP, and infliximab on the barrier integrity of the MDM/Caco-2 co-culture observed by TEER measurements for 48 h. The strongest stabilization effect on the barrier integrity could be reached after the treatment with the immunosuppressant 6-MP (no difference to medium control), whereas TNF-α antibody infliximab maintained 92% of TEER. The Caco-2 cells affected with 5-ASA and prednisolone showed still higher TEER values in comparison to the LPS control. Results are represented as mean ± SD for in summary n = 10 wells for each group performed in five biological replicates with n = 2 wells. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 indicate significant difference