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. 2022 Oct 20;13:933433. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.933433


Identified risk factors for ADV perpetration (P) and victimization (V)13.

References Attitudes Attitude
Beliefs Belief
Behavioral intentions (BI) BI type(s) Behaviors Behavior
Demographics Demo. type(s) Other Other
Individual-level risk factors
Bender et al. (48) X Gun carrying, substance use (P)
Caridade et al. (49) X Violence justification, jealousy (P) X Myths about love, sexist (P) X Personality (narcissism, vulnerability, grandiosity) (P)
Dardis et al. (45) X Gender and violence (i.e., sex-role stereotyping, adherence to traditional gender roles) (P) X Adversarial sexual beliefs (P) X Antisocial behavior, mental health (psychological distress and psychopathology), substance use, anger management strategies (P) X SES X Personality traits (rejection sensitivity) (P)
Fernet et al. (44) X Gender (female) (V)
Johnson et al. (50) X Substance use (marijuana) (P)
Leen et al. (42) X Acceptance of violence, acceptance of rape myths, tolerance of the use of violence, justifying the use of violence (P) X Belief that violence is justified (P) X Substance use, mental health (P) X Personality traits (personal competence) (P)
Malhi et al. (57) X Male entitlement (the belief that one is inherently deserving of privilege or special treatment) (P) X Ineffective conflict management (P)
Rothman et al. (55) X Substance use (alcohol) (P)
Spencer et al. (47) X Controlling behaviors (P); conflict resolution skills and responsibility, mental health (depression) (V)
Individual-level risk factors
Taquette and Monteiro (7) X Substance use (P) X Race (P)
Vagi et al. (20) X Acceptance of violence in dating relationships, aggression-tolerant attitudes (P) X Substance use, mental health (anxiety, depression, emotional distress), antisocial behavior, suicide attempt, trauma symptoms and trauma-re lated anger, use of aggressive media (P)

References Peers Peer comments Dating partners Dating partners comments Family Family comments School School comments Other Other type(s)

Relationship-level risk factors
Caridade et al. (49) X Bullying and cyberbullying (P) X Being victim of offline dating abuse (physical) (P); having a current boyfriend/girlfriend (P); prior CDA perpetration (P) X Exposure to offline violence by the father figure (P); childhood adverse experiences and exposure to family conflict (P). X Experiencing other forms of psychological violence (P)
Dardis et al. (45) X Peer group characteristic (P); peer group aggression and friends’ DV victimization (P) X Relationship length; bidirectional couple violence X Witnessing interparental violence, child abuse (P); current family violence (with siblings and parents) (P)
Goncy (52) X History of experiencing parent to child aggression (P)
Goncy et al. (53) X Parent to child aggression (P)
Hébert et al. (54) X Peer risk factors was significantly related to DV victimization (peer victimization, peer sexual harassment, and deviant peers) (V) X Child sexual abuse, psychological abuse, neglect, witnessing
Relationship-level risk factors
intimate partner violence, physical abuse (V)
Joly and Connelly (58) X Inequality in the relationship (P)
Leen et al. (42) X Influence of friends (includes friends who have perpetrated dating violence, friends who are aggressive in general, and friends who have been victims of dating violence) (P); socially acceptable behavioral norms (P)
Lyons and Rabie (43) X Young people abusive homes appear to associate with peers who are more inclined to engage in aggressive behavior, and these peer groups can develop their own relationship norms (P); peer groups and peer influences (P) X Having an older partner (V) X Witnessing parental conflict and/or aggressionP; girls who were highly avoidant in their attachment style showed a strong association between exposure to parental abuse, and the perpetration of aggressive and abusive behavior in their romantic relationship (P).
Malhi et al. (57) X Perpetrators and victims of relational bullying (P) X Having an older partner (V) X Adverse childhood experiences (P); history of experiencing, observing, and/or initiating violence within the home (P) History of experiencing, observing, and/or initiating violence within school (P)
Relationship-level risk factors
Park et al. (22) X Involved in violence experiences (P); perpetrators had a higher likelihood of experiencing concurrent or previous victimization compared to perpetration (P)
Spencer et al. (47) X Peers perpetration of TDV (P); violence toward peers (P) X Physical TDV victimization (P) X Witnessing parental IPV (P); experiencing child abuse in family of origin, and poor parenting (P).
Vagi et al. (20) X Early involvement with antisocial peers (P); engagement in peer violence; friends’ perpetration adolescent dating violence (P); friends’ victims of adolescent dating violence (P); friendship quality (P); hostile friendships (P); increased involvement with antisocial peers (P); X Having sex before love-telling (P); higher number of sex partners (P); prior dating violence; partner’s use of physical aggression (P); hostile/conflict couple relationship (P) X Aversive family communication (P); childhood physical abuse (P); exposure to father–mother violence (P); exposure to interparental violence (P); exposure to mother–father violence; father–child hostility (P); harsh parenting practices (P); negative parent–child interactions (P); parental marital conflict (P); parental monitoring (P); parent–child boundary violations (P); unskilled parenting (P) X Chronic offenders of violence throughout adolescence (P); fighting (P) general aggression (P); history of physical, sexual, and/or verbal aggression (P); late increasing pattern of violence in adolescence (P)
Zych et al. (56) X Bullying (high bullying and dating violence perpetration was stronger for females) (P,V)

References Poverty Poverty comments Alcohol outlet density Alcohol outlet density comments Community violence Community violence comments Other Other type(s)

Community-level risk factors
Johnson et al. (46) X Census block-level poverty (P) X Associated with perpetration of physical DV among women, and perpetration of physical DV among men (P)
Associated with victimization of physical DV among men (V)
Malhi et al. (57) X Experiencing more violence in their community (P); living in high-crime urban communities (P)
Taquette and Monteiro (7) X X Quality of the neighborhood P

References Gender norms and ideologies Gender norms and ideologies comments Norms and ideologies related to violence Norms and ideologies related to violence comments Other Other type(s)

Societal-level risk factors 1
Caridade et al. (49) X Endorsement of gender stereotypes (P)
Malhi et al. (57) X Belief that females are not equal to males (P); affirmation of traditional gender attitudes of male power and aggression; masculinity (P)
Taquette and Monteiro (7) 14 X Racism (P,V); heterosexism (P,V); gender inequality (V)

13Male; Females; both or unspecified.

14In the article it was not specified whether racism and heterosexism were vulnerabilities for ADV perpetration or victimization; hence they are included as both in this table.