Fig. 4.
The Epl1 C-terminus was required for its interaction with chromatin, independent of EAF1 status. a) Epl1’s association with chromatin was assessed by western blot analysis of cellular fractions generated by centrifugation of whole cell extract over a sucrose gradient. W, whole cell extract; S, soluble nonchromatin fraction; C, chromatin pellet. In each case, the fractionation efficiency was judged by the levels of H4 and Pgk1, found in the chromatin and the supernatant fraction, respectively. b) Epl1 enrichment at the promoters of RP genes was lost in the epl1-CΔ mutants, based on ChIP-qPCR analysis of the representative genes RPL21A, RPL39, RPL17B, RPL19B, RPS11B, and RPS3. Results are depicted as box plots overlaid with the individual measurements from each replicate.