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. 2022 Oct 19;24(10):e36767. doi: 10.2196/36767

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study participants.

Characteristics Control group (n=25) Intervention group (n=24) Full sample (N=49) t testa (df) χ2a (df) P value
Age (years), mean (SD) 25.88 (5.82) 26.96 (6.69) 26.41 (6.22) –0.60 (45.53) N/Ab .55
Age at diagnosis (years), mean (SD) 21.40 (6.42) 19.88 (8.07) 20.65 (7.24) 0.73 (43.91) N/A .47
Sex, n (%)

Female 23 (92) 24 (100) 47 (96) N/A 0.5 (1) .49

Male 2 (8) 0 (0) 2 (4) N/A c
Type of diagnosis, n (%)

Crohn disease 14 (56) 16 (67) 30 (61) N/A 0.2 (1) .64

Ulcerative colitis 11 (44) 8 (33) 19 (39) N/A
Knowledge about IBDd, IBD-KNOWe score, mean (SD)

Preintervention 18.28 (3.76) 18.67 (3.05) 18.47 (3.40) –0.40 (45.73) N/A .69

Postintervention 18.08 (3.60) 21.67 (1.55) 19.84 (3.31) –4.56 (32.88) N/A <.001

aThe t test (2-tailed) and chi-square test were used to measure the difference between the control and intervention groups.

bN/A: not applicable; this test was not applied to this variable.

cThe chi-square value and its related P value for a group are reported in the top row for that group.

dIBD: inflammatory bowel disease.

eIBD-KNOW: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Knowledge; scores range from 0 to 24 points.