Table 1.
Clinical characteristics of normal objective cognition
Overall participants (n = 126) | |
Age (years) | 73.3 (3.89) |
Education (years) | 10.2 (4.54) |
Sex (female) | 87 (69.0%) |
BMI (kg/m2) | 25.3 (3.01) |
Ever smoker | 29 (23.0%) |
Heavy alcohol drinking | 6 (4.8%) |
History of hypertension | 57 (45.2%) |
History of cardiovascular disease | 13 (10.3%) |
History of diabetes mellitus | 30 (23.8%) |
History of hyperlipidemia | 41 (32.5%) |
Presence of APOE4 (yes) | 23 (18.3%) |
GDS | 10.7 (7.00) |
CDR-SB | 0.313 (0.536) |
Presence of frailtya (yes) | 6 (4.8%) |
SNSB-C Z-score | − 0.007 (1.010) |
SCDQb | 8.25 (5.24) |
MACQb | 26.5 (3.35) |
Plasma AβO (ratio) | 0.908 (0.263) |
Plasma AβO (concentration [ng/mL]) | 0.638 (0.247) |
SUVRc | 0.997 (0.228) |
Flutemetamol PET (+)c,d | 13 (10.3%) |
Data are presented as the mean (standard deviation) for continuous variables and n (%) for categorical variables
Abbreviations: Aβ, amyloid β; APOE4, apolipoprotein E ε4 allele; BMI, body mass index; CDR-SB, Clinical Dementia Rating–Sum of Boxes; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; MACQ, Memory Complaint Questionnaire; PET, positron emission tomography; SCDQ, Subjective Cognitive Decline Questionnaire; SNSB-C, Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery-Core; SUVR, standard uptake value ratio
aParticipants with FRAIL questionnaire scores ≥ 3 were regarded as those with frailty
bHigher score indicates an increased self-perceived cognitive decline
cData are not available from all participants (n = 124)
dFlutemetamol PET SUVR ≥ 1.23 was regarded as PET (+)