Heroin reinforced and non-reinforced behavior for male high- and low-responder (HR/LR) rats. Data represented as individual data point according to assigned phenotype. The black bar within each violin plot indicates the median value of the data set, and all data represented as z-scores. Male HRs showed (a) greater consumption of heroin across self-administration training, (b) as well as greater motivation to work for an infusion of heroin (break point) relative to LRs. (c) The two phenotypes also differed in non-reinforced reward seeking behavior, with HRs showing greater cue-induced reinstatement of heroin-seeking behavior compared to LRs. However, male HRs and LRs did not differ in (d) escalation of heroin intake, (e) refraining behavior at either the start (extinction burst) or (f) end of extinction training (extinction day 6), or (g) heroin primed reinstatement. *p<0.05 (Males: HR, n= 132; LR, n=132)