Figure 2.
The representative differential metabolites identified from metabolomics and lipidomics analysis. (A, B) Hierarchical clustering analysis of metabolome and lipid profiles. Red means levels of metabolites increased after dupilumab therapy, while blue is decreasing. (C, D) The matchstick diagram showed the top 20 significantly change metabolites in metabolomics and lipidomics analysis based on fold change. The color depth of the dot represents the VIP value. Acar, Acylcarnitine; Cer/ADS, Ceramide alpha-hydroxy fatty acid-dihydrosphingosine; Cer/AP, Ceramide alpha-hydroxy fatty acid-phytospingosine; Cer/AS, Ceramide alpha-hydroxy fatty acid-sphingosine; Cer/EODS, Ceramide Esterified omega-hydroxy fatty acid-dihydrosphingosine; Cer/NDS, Ceramide non-hydroxyfatty acid-dihydrosphingosine; Cer/NS, Ceramide non-hydroxyfatty acid-sphingosine; DAG, Diacylglycerol; DGTS, Diacylglyceryl trimethylhomoserine; FFA, Free fatty acid; FAHFA, Fatty acid ester of hydroxyl fatty acid; GlcADG, glucuronosyldiacylglycerol; HBMP, Hemibismonoacylglycerophosphate; HexCer/NDS, Hexosylceramide non-hydroxyfatty acid-dihydrosphingosine; HexCer/NS, Hexosylceramide non-hydroxyfatty acid-sphingosine; LPA, Lysophosphatidic acid; LPC, Lysophophatidylcholine; LPE, Lysophosphatidylethanolamine; MAG, Monoacylglycerol; OxPC, Oxidized phosphatidylcholine; OxPE, Oxidized phosphatidylethanolamine; OxPI, Oxidized phosphatidylglycerol; PC, Phosphatidylcholine; PE, Phosphatidylethanolamine; PG, Phosphatidylglycerol; PI, Phosphatidylinositol; SHexCer, SulfurHexosylceramide hydroxyfatty acid; SM, Sphingomyelin; SQDG, Sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol; TAG, triacylglycerol. * represents P<0.05, ** represents P<0.01, *** represents P<0.001.