Figure 4.
Heatmap analysis of unique differentially expressed metabolites specific for well response patients. Heatmap visualization of (A) altered lipids in glycerophospholipids (GP) including PC, PE, PI, Lysophospholipid (LP), and their derivative (B) altered lipids in sphingolipids (SP) including SM, different kinds Cer and its derivative. Besides, beta-glyrrhetinic acid and 4-androsten-11beta-ol-3,17-dione 4 belong to PR and ST, respectively (C) altered lipids in glycerolipids (GL), including TAG and MAG (D) altered lipids in fatty acid (FA) including ACar, FFA and its derivative (E) changes in organic acids and derivatives. (F) changes in some unclassified metabolites. Acar, Acylcarnitine; Cer/ADS, Ceramide alpha-hydroxy fatty acid-dihydrosphingosine; Cer/AP, Ceramide alpha-hydroxy fatty acid-phytospingosine; Cer/AS, Ceramide alpha-hydroxy fatty acid-sphingosine; Cer/EODS, Ceramide Esterified omega-hydroxy fatty acid-dihydrosphingosine; Cer/NDS, Ceramide non-hydroxyfatty acid-dihydrosphingosine; Cer/NS, Ceramide non-hydroxyfatty acid-sphingosine; FFA, Free fatty acid; FAHFA, Fatty acid ester of hydroxyl fatty acid; HexCer/AP, Hexosylceramide alpha-hydroxy fatty acid-phytospingosine; HexCer/NS, Hexosylceramide non-hydroxyfatty acid-sphingosine; LPC, Lysophophatidylcholine; LPE, Lysophosphatidylethanolamine; LPI, Lysophosphatidylinositol; MAG, Monoacylglycerol; MGDG, Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol; OxPS, Oxidized phosphatidylinositol; PC, Phosphatidylcholine; PE, Phosphatidylethanolamine; PI, Phosphatidylinositol; SHexCer, SulfurHexosylceramide hydroxyfatty acid; SM, Sphingomyelin; PR, Prenol Lipids; ST, Sterol Lipids; TAG, triacylglycerol.