Figure 2: CNV Burden in EOP, ASD and Unselected Populations.
A. Prevalence of Recurrent CNVs. Rates of disease-related recurrent CNVs in individuals with early onset psychosis (EOP), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) probands and controls from the unselected population. B. Genome-Wide Gene Dossage Effects (CRS). Scores for deletions and duplications per individual are represented in red diamonds and blue circles, respectively. Individuals without a CNV or with a non-coding CNV have a score of 0. Coding CNVs have scores ranging from 0.5 to approximately 180. Y axis: CRS value (root squared of the sum of 1/LOEUF of all genes encompassed in CNVs identified in each individual). The largest diamonds/circles and black bars represent the mean and standard deviation of each group. EOP: early-onset psychosis; ASD: autism spectrum disorder; Controls: unselected population; DEL: deletions; DUP: duplications; n.s.: non-significant; sd: standard deviation.