Abbreviations: CAR, carnitine; CNY, Chinese Yuan; DMGV, dimethylguanidino valeric acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; FDR, false discovery rate; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; T2D, type 2 diabetes; UDP-GlcNAc, uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine. The associations of body mass index with individual plasma metabolites were assessed using generalized linear models, with adjustment for study batch (only in the pooled sample), sex, age (years, continuous), total energy intake (kcal/day, continuous), incident T2D case-control status (yes and no), fasting hours (continuous), income [annual household income <10,000 CNY, ≥10,000 to <20,000 CNY, ≥20,000 to <30,000 CNY, and ≥30,000 CNY in the SWHS; annual personal income <6,000 CNY, ≥6,000 to <12,000 CNY, ≥12,000 to <24,000 CNY, and ≥24,000 CNY in the SMHS], cigarette smoking (never, former, and current), pack-years among smokers (continuous), alcohol drinking [none, moderate (>0 to ≤2 drinks per day in men or >0 to ≤1 drink per day in women), and heavy drinking (>2 drinks per day in men or >1 drink per day in women); 1 drink = 14 g ethanol], physical activity (continuous, MET-hours/week), diet quality (as measured by a healthy diet index), menopause status (yes and no, for women only), and hypertension status (yes and no). βs with FDR-adjusted p values are presented in the figure.