a) Confocal images of PNP uptake in BBN963 cells (scale bar=50μm), BF: bright field. b) ROS production after different treatments as determined by the DCFH-DA assay as determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy (scale bar=50μm). Green fluorescence indicates ROS production. Significantly more abundant ROS production was observed in the cells treated with PNP plus light. c) Protein carbonylation by ROS in BBN963 cells. d) A transwell assay to determine dendritic cell maturation. e) Flow cytometry analysis of CD80 and CD86 expression to determine dendritic cell maturation after different treatments for 24h in the transwell system. In the PNP + Light treatment group, 61.5%±2.04% cells expressed CD80 and CD86, compared to 35.63%±1.89%, (p=0.0003), 36.23%±0.48% (p=0.0003) and 51.27%±0.89% (p=0.0005) of the control, control plus light and PNP groups, respectively.