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. 2022 Oct 21;13:967021. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.967021



Diagnosis on field samples from the shoot development stage using Pavium panel-II. HTS data from field samples (SD-L1, SD-L2, SD-S1, and SD-S2) were submitted to the pipeline using the Pavium panel-II. X-axis: VGAC scale (0–1); ordinate: abbreviated name of viruses; dotted lines: VGAC cutoffs at 0.1 and 0.3; filled bars: replicase identified. Supplementary Figure 7 depicts these data together with read assignment levels. SD, shoot development stage; VGAC, viral genome assembly coverage; ACLSV, apple chlorotic leaf spot virus; ApMV, apple mosaic virus; CGRMV, cherry green ring mottle virus; CNRMV, cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus; CVA, cherry virus A; LChV-1, little cherry virus 1; LChV-2, little cherry virus 2; PBNSPaV, plum bark necrosis stem pitting associated virus; PDV, prune dwarf virus; PNRSV, prunus necrotic ringspot virus; PPV, plum pox virus.