Continua of best parameter sets from the same I(t). (a) The dots denote the 1% of (β′, α′) pairs (chosen from 10,000 random pairs) with the smallest sum of squares error from data assimilation over the interval [0, 50]. The blue curve is given by
(3.8), with β′, α′, c as in
Figure 3, and setting γ = γ′ = 0.5. (b) The dots are the (β′, γ′) pairs with smallest assimilation error for fixed α = α′ = 0.35. Equation (3.8), plotted as the blue dashed curve, is the line
. (c) The dots are the (α′, γ′) pairs with smallest assimilation error for fixed β = β′ = 0.7. The red dashed curve is
setting β = β′ = 0.7. (Color available online.)