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. 2022 Sep 29;24(10):697–711. doi: 10.1089/dia.2022.0200

Table 3.

Additional Efficacy Binary Outcomes

  Follow-up (at or over 13 weeks)
Adjusted difference, BP minus SC (95% CI)b P b
BP (N = 107),a N (%) SC (N = 54),a N (%)
HbA1c <7.0% 43 (42) 15 (28) 14% (4% to 27%) 0.008
HbA1c <7.5% 76 (75) 23 (43) 28% (18% to 38%) <0.001
HbA1c <8.0% 97 (95) 41 (77) 16% (8% to 24%) <0.001
HbA1c >9.0% 0 (0) 6 (11) 36% (−23% to 91%) 1.00
HbA1c improvement from baseline >0.5% 44 (43) 9 (17) 25% (19% to 30%) <0.001
HbA1c improvement from baseline >1.0% 23 (23) 2 (4) 18% (8% to 24%) 0.009
HbA1c relative improvement from baseline >10% 32 (31) 2 (4) 26% (17% to 33%) 0.002
HbA1c improvement from baseline >1.0% or HbA1c <7.0% 58 (57) 16 (31) 26% (11% to 39%) <0.001
Time 70–180 mg/dL >70% 50 (47) 17 (31) 12% (3% to 21%) 0.01
Time 70–180 mg/dL improvement from baseline ≥5% 78 (74) 28 (52) 26% (17% to 36%) <0.001
Time 70–180 mg/dL improvement from baseline ≥10% 72 (68) 24 (44) 29% (20% to 39%) <0.001
Time <70 mg/dL <4% 93 (88) 43 (80) 10% (2% to 19%) 0.01
Time <54 mg/dL <1% 92 (87) 44 (81) 9% (2% to 16%) 0.01
Mean glucose <154 mg/dL and time <54 mg/dL <1% 42 (40) 12 (22) 15% (8% to 22%) <0.001
Time 70–180 mg/dL >70% and time <54 mg/dL <1% 46 (43) 12 (22) 20% (11% to 28%) <0.001
HbA1c <7.0% for participants with baseline HbA1c >7.5% N = 44, 9 (20) N = 26, 1 (4) 28% (−1% to 53%) 0.06
Improvement in HbA1c >0.5% without an increase in time <54 mg/dL by >0.5% or improvement in time <54 mg/dL by >0.5% without an increase in HbA1c by >0.5% 47 (46) 11 (21) 20% (11% to 28%) <0.001
Improvement in time 70–180 mg/dL by >10% without an increase in time <54 mg/dL by >0.5% or improvement in time <54 mg/dL by >0.5% without a decrease in time 70–180 mg/dL by >10% 55 (52) 13 (24) 27% (17% to 37%) <0.001

One SC participant missing baseline HbA1c. Five BP participants and one SC participant missing 13-week HbA1c. One BP participant with missing follow-up CGM data.


P-values are from a logistic regression model adjusting for the baseline value of the metric, age at randomization, and site (random effect). A 95% CI for the treatment group adjusted risk difference (BP minus SC) was produced using parametric bootstrapping. Multiple comparisons were adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg adaptive false discovery rate correction procedure.