Figure 2. Spreading of condensin dosage compensation (DC) coincides with decrease in loop size and weakening of compartments.
(A) Condensin DC spreads ~3 MB into the autosomal region of X;V fusion chromosome. 12-MB region snapshot of Hi-C contacts in the wildtype karyotype and X;V fusion strain. Hi-C and ChIP-seq data are from embryos. The inset zoom (10 kb-binned matrix) highlights weakening of the checker-board pattern indicating compartmentalization. Log2ratio plot highlights enrichment (red) of ‘shorter-range’ interactions at the spreading region of X;V. (B) To compare the local effect of spreading, chromosome X;V is divided into four regions surrounding the fusion site and log-derivative of P(s) is plotted. (C) Inferred mean loop size of each region from the derivative plot is plotted. Purple arrow highlights the decrease in mean loop size for chromosome-V side of the fusion (proximal V). (D) Difference in local compartment strength in X;V compared to normal karyotype. EV1 and saddle strength are computed for each 2-MB submatrix. The ratio of the same region between two conditions highlights distance-dependent decrease (purple arrow) in compartment strength on chromosome-V side of the fusion.